Blue Rose Films is an independent film company whose sole purpose is to make films, TV series, and projects of great quality, while introducing more creativity and originality in hopes of making entertainment more entertaining. Blue Rose Films is co-owned by Elliott “Lee” Cowart and Kalon Jackson. They first met on the set of the “Truth” anti-smoking commercials. A few years later after forging a friendship, they had the privilege to play opposite each other in lead roles of Rafick Khan’s “Chess Boxing”. The two decided to start the company because of the love of creative films. The name for the company comes from the idea that a blue rose like many other uncommon things has to be “created”. The creation process takes thought, time, and work. Anyone who puts work into a creation has some passion for what they are creating, hence a sense of love for what they do. We put the same kind of thought, passion, time and hard work into our company and each project that has our name on it, to bring you a thing of beauty, such as a Blue Rose. The business motto for the company is “Where Creativity is Key”, which is what we stand by and try to show in each project that we take on as executive producers.